Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What a General Conferenc!!!

Elena went to conference. Her daughter is a recent convert, and Elena is soaking it in. She was very curious about this whole thing, and I pray that she recognized the strong spirit that I felt as I sat on the same bench for the last session of conference. What a conference for us! Others are listening and preparing themselves for baptism, too. All of it is through the members. All of it. Every last person. All of it. We´ll talk about that later on. Our bishop is very excited to work with us. It had been a while since the missionaries had brought a Progress Record to him, and he was all over it. The members here are great, and we are working especially hard to get those baptismal trees going. The converts are sharing with their families, the returning members are studying and relearning everything to be able to teach their beloved friends alongside us, and we are trying to work 100% through the members. Its slower, but as Trevor... ahem... Elder Pierce said, it is much more effective. I love my companion. He is great, and his English is improving drastically as we read the Book Of Mormon together. He is very humble, and really loves everyone. This is the life! Conference was incredible. President Eyring talked about it in the Priesthood session, as well as President Monson. Eyring said that when he was a ward missionary they didn´t knock doors (better said than not contacting people) and that they had a bunch of success. Someone also said that the members should fill in the schedules of the missionaries with people to teach, which also goes in compliance with talks by Elder Bednar, Elder Perry and Elder Ballard in the past few years. Elder Bednar says that the members shouldn´t even pray that the missionaries find people to teach, for it is their part as full time searchers, while the Elders are full time teachers. You guessed it. There were 8 talks about missionary work, which means that that is one of the weakest points in the church right now. 8 talks! What can you do to find people to teach? How much do you love your neighbor? Enough to risk a little embarrassment should they vehemently shout in your face for having invited them to church or to listen to the missionaries (WORST CASE)? Enough to pray, fast and study to know how to teach, how to share, how to love and why we do these things? Do you desire that your neighbors have eternal life with their families, or would you rather leave them in the dark forever by not ever bringing it up, or procrastinating bringing it up. Talking about your testimony of Christ is how you can show sincere love and caring for others, as well as for Christ. ¡Vamonos! Sorry that there isn´t time for more, but tune in next time for the next adventure of... Doo doo doo dooooo! Elder Lindsey and Elder Garcia En Cristo, Elder Lindsey

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