Monday, March 11, 2013


We have been having some miracles as we strive to do our part to share the gospel. For instance, ten minutes ago a family that we had talked to in the plaza nos contactó para decirnos que nos debían una charla, y quisieron saber cuando podíamos nosotros. It filled my soul with great joy to know that they are ready to listen for the first time, and we are going to do everything that we can to get them baptized as soon as possible. We also have a double FHE planned tonight with our converso reciente Guillermo. He wants to come with us to visit Carmen y Nestor and then have an FHE in his house with his nonmember families. I agree with what Trevor wrote me that its amazing how we can go much time without baptizing and then baptize three, four, five in a row and the members hardly even notice. That is something that I will need to repent of when I go back home. Gotta know who is getting saved these days. Guillermo knows what´s up, and he has this funny way of listening and then randomly asking a question that has little to do with the conversation. Before his baptism it all had to do with the USA, but now it all has to do with the work. How is Luiz? When are we gonna stop by? When is the next baptism? Who is listening to y´all? How did the church get started and moved out to Utah? I love Guillermo very much. He is one of my heroes. Roque didn´t make it to church this Sunday, nor could we find him all week this week, but we finally decided to leave a note and pass by in a time that he is most likely there. We still have a ton of hope for him. Please pray for him and Luiz as they make their decisions in this life to learn more about the gospel and as they see that they really are blessed greatly for the change. Ah, Luiz. Luiz Luiz Luiz. Lucky for him that his Heavenly Father loves him so much and provides him with a good man like Guillermo for his brother in law and an even better man as his Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. The Stake President here is on the ball. He talked to all of the missionaries here to have them really get on top of the work and push it to the limits. He says that if the Mission President isn´t here all the time to help us out, he is, and is more than willing to give the work a great big shove and to get it rolling. We told him about our plans to contact like locos here in Centro, and he loves the idea. He gave us some great suggestions concerning whom to contact to get the show on the road and different things that have worked in the past. I am pumped to do this thing in Christ´s name!! I love each and every one of you, because you too are learning much about the Atonement and how it works in our daily life. Keep going! He loves you, He paid the price already, and all that we have to do is give our love and devotion in return. He sends us the Spirit to save us from ourselves, and prayer is incredible. Do your best, and then don´t worry. Be happy in His love. In Christ, Elder Lindsey

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