Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Marta got baptized!!!!!!! There was a ton of opposition last minute and she wasn´t sure if she should go through with it. We told her to come to the service and to decide there, because two other people were getting baptized that day and most of the Zone would be there. Twenty minutes before, she shows up dressed in a white jumper ready to get in the water. We had two other investigators in the service as well that really loved it. One of them said that it felt like she herself had been baptized. Those which we ask that you pray for are Cecilia, Laura, Claudia and Pedro. The branch here is going through a really hard time right now. As of today, we lost a family of two due to their long-expected move to Buenos Aires and eventually the States. It has been a rough time for all, and much has been learned on the importance of the Saviors Atonement. The two of us in the Valle Viejo pension ended up rather short on money for this last month due to difficulties with reimbursements and bike problems, but we ate every day and made it out alive without losing weight. I cannot tell you how joyed I was to see that as of today they have upped our monthly income if you will by 25%. Hallelujah! And, as I was writing, some of my stuff which got stranded in another pension for almost a week magically arrived with my district leader and I will try to attach some pictures along with it all today. No promises. Speaking of hallelujahs and praises, we have organized a little choir of the Zone of Catamarca and some members for a multi-faith choir festival in the stake center this Friday. Please invite your friends, I am sure that it´ll be lovely. It´s on la Zurita in between Sarmiento and Maipú at sevenish or so. I´ll be playing the piano for our choir, but it´s only one song and its at the end, so you can leave if my playing gets too bad. The Scriptures tell us that if we are happy, we should praise the Lord with singing and praises. If you have ever wondered how to pray all day, remember that the song of the righteous is a prayer unto the Lord, and just go ahead and sing your way through the day. Goodness gracious, how I love and appreciate the generosity of the Lord in His tender mercies that he sends us constantly. Wilford Woodruff, in his teachings, tells a story in which he and his fellow missionaries were lost in the wilderness during a horrid southern thunderstorm at night, and how the Lord safely guided them to the path which they needed to take. He then continued onward through the tempest just glad that the Lord had helped him in the past, not minding the current evils around him. I like that attitude. No matter what happens right now, I can be happy because the Lord has shown me in the past that I can do it with His loving assistance. I feel my Savior´s love in all the world around me. I know that my Redeemer lives, and that I need Him every hour. Have you done any good in the world today? If yes, than what more can you do? Remember that it is the Lord´s work and glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Is that your work and glory as well? Love one another, and preach the gospel to all that will hear. Our purpose in this life is to get baptized and have faith in the Savior in order to return to Him someday. Help those around you to understand that it is their purpose as well. Be good! Elder Lindsey

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