Monday, January 28, 2013
Well, this week has been one of great success and progress, though we had a few hitches in the giddyup. To start, our bishopric is extraordinary, and the members react well to planned events intended to help others in their path to Christ. We invited as many members as possible to visit MarĂa with little time in advance, and about 15 showed up to her house to have a little testimony meeting outside for an hour or so. It was remarkably moving. We had felt very strongly to plan the activity despite the odds and short time of advertizing, and now the ward is really pumped to help in whatever way that they can. Those who couldn´t come wrote letters to her and we stopped by to collect them.
My attitude is just great right now. I have gone from pleading and begging the Lord to help us to calmly, and humbly thanking Him for all that He has done in the past for us, all that He is doing right now for us, and I simply ask that he helps us to know our part, confiding in Him that He knows what is best, and that His will always will be done in the end. Prayer has now taken on a deeper meaning and importance for me, and I feel much more confidence in the strength that the Lord provides each and every one of His Children.
Elder Bethers still is the greatest companion, and never lets me down. When I don´t know what to say, I know that I can trust in the Spirit to fill in, and for Elder Bethers to have the answer to the question or doubt.
Also,Eduardo, the son of the dear sister that miraculously got baptized the second to last day of the year (Fany), has been prepared by the Lord throughout his life to receive this gospel. As we taught him, I honestly felt as though I had been there before, and that this message is the only way to find peace in this life. He told us of his life and the things that happen in the neighborhood with the youth nowadays and how everyone needs to find peace. He said that he always has felt the peace that the missionaries bring and wants to know what to do to have that. We explained that baptism is the only way to find that peace, to relieve him his load, and to live with God again as a family. We prayed with him, and then he prayed with us. He has agreed to be baptized the 23rd of February. Will y´all pray for him, please? ESCOGIDO. He has been chosen.
There are two families that are getting married in February, and each one has people in it that need to get baptized. All of their questions haven´t been answered yet, but due to the fact that each of them has been going to church since before the time of my trainer, Elder Petersen, they have no doubt in their minds as to whether or not they will get baptized. They are both part member families, and since they know each other they are using each other as support to keep on the right path. These kinds of things that are happening here comprise the reason that the "song of Centro", as we have deemed it, is Hymn number 72, I believe... Praise to the Lord the Almighty. We are working hard, but the Lord is He who acheives the victory.
Much of this great work that has rolled forth among the members of Centro began because a single mother sister asked us for some copies of the Book of Mormon to give people for Christmas. The other day we commented it to her and committed her to never let this fire within her go out and to carry a cane in one hand when she is old with the Book of Mormon in the other. She has worked wonders through her love, and her example will never be forgotten. "Be Thou and example unto the believers," says Paul.
What peace! What joy! What love I feel for this work! How I long to stay in the field for the duration until Christ comes again to reign in righteousness! This is the Lord´s Kingdom on earth, and He has entrusted us with its upkeeping and growth. What confidence in such imperfect beings, but knowledge of each and every one of us to know where, when and how to put everything in place to save us all should we so choose! Take advantage of the temple to praise His matchless grace, and spend all that you can in His service, for there is no greater emotion, thrill, exhiliration nor peace that exists than knowing that God is pleased with you and that you truly have acheived the compromise between your will and His. I love my Savior, and he loves each and every one of us.
Be Good!
Elder Lindsey
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