Monday, April 23, 2012

Big E-mail!

Fried bananas have changed my life. They cook really quickly, but are so full of flavor it becomes as close to an addiction without actually causing physical and mental attachment as is possible. Be careful. Also, homemade bread or that from the Panaderías located in the near proximity of my pension has been bought almost everyday since arrival, and whats more is that it is excruciatingly cheap and delicious. That doesn´t even take into account that the US Dollar is worth more than four pesos, meaning that five pesos of bread, or about three loaves, costs about a buck twenty or so. Heck to the yes please. Furthermore, herbal tea tastes great if you make it right and add just a tad of sugar to help the medicine go down, if you will. So far, manzanilla, or be it, chamomile is my favorite.

The work has exploded. We had yet another baptism and have about six or seven lined up and ready to go. I hope I don´t catch pneumonia from being in the font too often. That might impede the Lord´s work. On that note, I have a slightly fatal headache that kind of slowed my progress in filling in the 600 cubic foot hole in or Branch President´s backyard, as well as killing innumerable deadly scorpions with various gardening tools to prevent the untimely demise of one of my dear compañeros or Ward Members. We also sang full on belting Il Divo and like this music because that is the style of music that the family does rather well in fact, and I feel very much at home in their humble abode.

I really am starting to become very Argentine during my short, though awesome time in the country, and feel that when I leave this area, which will be in another transfer (six weeks) at the soonest, that I might say that I come from Las Malvinas Argentinas near Arenales and Monte Cristo because I blend in rather well. My soccer skills are much appreciated, though my aim has decreased throughout the years and takes its jolly good time coming back. Every P-Day at six thirty we do a Factura shootout to see who will get free Facturas from everyone else, and though I have yet to win, my abilities have refined themselves rather nicely over the past couple of weeks. That´s been a major plus in our relaxed Preparation Day lives.

I will send a truckload of pictures next week I promise, but the computer that I have this week lacks a port for my USB cable to attach my camera. Oh well.

I have grown extraordinarily in my spiritual dimensions this week, though there yet remain many a thing for me to correct and straighten out. I can be way more organized still, and getting ready on time has proved to be a struggle, though in part that is because of four people sharing one bathroom, making showers a two hour process. We had intercambios this week, and I went to work with one of the zone leaders in a more populated area, and to be honest, I am very happy with my trainer, Elder Petersen, and Arenales with its glorious countryside and sunsets, as well as the very amiable people that live here. The people in the city are much harder. I finally learned how to just listen to people and try to understand where they are coming from, which has helped immensely in our discussions as well as just being friends with people.

The only reason that I might want to leave is if the Lord were to call me back to the States at the end of my mission. Nothing before. I spend so much time just helping people that it really adds a lot of joy to my life. Try it, it´s fun.

1 Corinthians 15:29. Go do baptisms for the dead all the time. The temple rocks, and yáll have no idea how lucky you are to live within a few minutes or even hours of the temple. End of story.

Elder Lindsey

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