OLO!! I have gained five pounds in the MTC, but, that is actually good in two-fold; I need some extra weight for when I am in Argentina and may not have the most substantial diet, and I lost a bunch of weight over the five months before I entered the MTC due to various medical occurances that prove how much Satan doesn't want this missionary to get out into the world. But the Lord God is on my side; who can fight against me? Satan also didn't want me to write this letter today, but we got around his cunning little plan of computer malfunctions in the laundry room this morning by waiting a few hours and using good computers that are used for language study. D&C 68:4 says that when those ordained to the work speak when moved upon by the spirit that it is to be considered scripture, and the will and word of God Himself. I have probably quoted that before, and if so, that only further emphasizes the importance I find in that verse.
There is an Elder here by the name of Elder Jurado, which is Spanish for "sworn". What are we sworn to? Well, we are to live by every word that proceeds forth from the mouth of God. We are sworn to preach Jesus, be of good cheer and never be afraid. My ole pal Paul was so fearless and preaching Jesus that those in power and position truly feared for him that the people would kill him, and his response was that to die in Christ is gain, and in the verse before that in Philippians that he would rather be dead and with Christ, but that it is mosre needful for the world that he remains alive for that time. I say that we should all be Elderes Jurados, Elders sworn to the faith by covenant and by willpower, to do the will of God no matter what, end of discussion, period.
We have continued to teach our investigators and feel the spirit directing our learning, especially when we make mistakes and goof up the lesson, though that is what the Lord intends for us to learn here in the MTC rather than in the field. All of the missionaries that are going to Argentina met with the Consulate another time to get the signatures completed and to ask questions about our shortly-to-be new home in the south. It is safe to assume that most of us didn't expect the Consulate to be a sweet, stylish young lady, and expected something more like the lady behind the desk in Monsters Inc., the one that is always watching... That was a pleasant surprise, and Elder Hansen and I found it easier to understand her Spanish than her English. Also, for those in the Lindsey Clan, I met Elder Kanenwisher... if that's how you spell it... in the meeting for the Consulate and his companion is the Elder Argyle that my mother has been getting me to try and find. I also encountered a whole district full of Cordoba bound missionaries.
I saw Elder Lopez today and we had a deliciously sweet reunion in the Cafeteria. Pictures will result later on tonight. I also saw Kendra Knudsen as I was leaving the temple, in which after doing initatories I saw a fellow classmate from SVU that has now transferred to the Y.
God loves us all, and gives us proof of that through nature. Why would anyone who hated the earth spend so much effort in being such a brilliant biologist and chemist to create the greatest masterpeice of all time? I have taken many pictures of the mountains and the sky to record this love for us to remember even in times of darkness. May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirits.
District Leader Lindsey
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