Thursday, February 23, 2012

Week Seven

This is my seventh week in the MTC, leaving only two and a half weeks to learn the Spanish language. This doesn't worry me because I actually have gone through the entirety of the computer grammar lessons multiple times, and spend our language lab sessions just learning random word lists pertaining to everyday life at a rate of approximately 200 words a session. There isn't much left to do in that aspect.

Teaching is coming along rather well. We had a substitute teacher yesterday that taught pretty well and ensured that we knew how to do contacting. I forgot how fun it is to meet random people and to try and make their day by changing their life for the better. I have started to end our commitments with another commitment of promising to have a nice day, and all who read this now fall under that obligation regardless of their agency. Just do it.

The Lord blesses his missionaries immensely with spiritual growth and fun times. Some of the funniest things I have ever heard have come from my companion and also some of the most spiritual things I have ever heard. For those of you who are familiar with the Party Rock Anthem, there is now a remix for missionaries, which we are gonna make before our MTC district reunion in two years.

From what I have heard, there are some people out there undergoing spiritual change. The Lord has a plan for you, and it includes some very hard times. Just remember that there is no temptation fallen you, but such that is common to man. God will not suffer that you will be tempted above that ye are able, but with the temptation He will provide a way that ye might be able to bear it (1 Corinthians 15:10) Thank you Brother Dowse for writing that song in Seminary. I still have it down. When you feel life's stress, remember that a nice stretch always feels good and makes you more flexible and in better shape. Do some spiritual exercise. Hurt a little, struggle a little, and fall completely into your Coach and Savior who knows what is perfect for you.

I still sing in the MTC choir, which is always a treat. The directors are really funny and have good insights as well as choral direction. Mama J is still the best. One of the directors told us to ponder on something whenever we get nervous, and that something is that we would be sooooo much more nervous if this gospel was false and we knew it. The main stress that we as missionaries feel is that since it is true, we are responsible to have an eye single to the glory of God, which is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. We literally fill in for part of the role of God Himself, and thus become like Him. Marriage and service also cause us to undertake that great task.

Repentance is a commitment to change ourselves, and the missionary commitments are specifically designed for each and every person ever to live anywhere, by God Almighty who loves you and invites you to unto Him and rest.

Godspeed, outside world.

Elder Lindsey

Thursday, February 16, 2012

District Leader Lindsey

OLO!! I have gained five pounds in the MTC, but, that is actually good in two-fold; I need some extra weight for when I am in Argentina and may not have the most substantial diet, and I lost a bunch of weight over the five months before I entered the MTC due to various medical occurances that prove how much Satan doesn't want this missionary to get out into the world. But the Lord God is on my side; who can fight against me? Satan also didn't want me to write this letter today, but we got around his cunning little plan of computer malfunctions in the laundry room this morning by waiting a few hours and using good computers that are used for language study. D&C 68:4 says that when those ordained to the work speak when moved upon by the spirit that it is to be considered scripture, and the will and word of God Himself. I have probably quoted that before, and if so, that only further emphasizes the importance I find in that verse.

There is an Elder here by the name of Elder Jurado, which is Spanish for "sworn". What are we sworn to? Well, we are to live by every word that proceeds forth from the mouth of God. We are sworn to preach Jesus, be of good cheer and never be afraid. My ole pal Paul was so fearless and preaching Jesus that those in power and position truly feared for him that the people would kill him, and his response was that to die in Christ is gain, and in the verse before that in Philippians that he would rather be dead and with Christ, but that it is mosre needful for the world that he remains alive for that time. I say that we should all be Elderes Jurados, Elders sworn to the faith by covenant and by willpower, to do the will of God no matter what, end of discussion, period.

We have continued to teach our investigators and feel the spirit directing our learning, especially when we make mistakes and goof up the lesson, though that is what the Lord intends for us to learn here in the MTC rather than in the field. All of the missionaries that are going to Argentina met with the Consulate another time to get the signatures completed and to ask questions about our shortly-to-be new home in the south. It is safe to assume that most of us didn't expect the Consulate to be a sweet, stylish young lady, and expected something more like the lady behind the desk in Monsters Inc., the one that is always watching... That was a pleasant surprise, and Elder Hansen and I found it easier to understand her Spanish than her English. Also, for those in the Lindsey Clan, I met Elder Kanenwisher... if that's how you spell it... in the meeting for the Consulate and his companion is the Elder Argyle that my mother has been getting me to try and find. I also encountered a whole district full of Cordoba bound missionaries.

I saw Elder Lopez today and we had a deliciously sweet reunion in the Cafeteria. Pictures will result later on tonight. I also saw Kendra Knudsen as I was leaving the temple, in which after doing initatories I saw a fellow classmate from SVU that has now transferred to the Y.

God loves us all, and gives us proof of that through nature. Why would anyone who hated the earth spend so much effort in being such a brilliant biologist and chemist to create the greatest masterpeice of all time? I have taken many pictures of the mountains and the sky to record this love for us to remember even in times of darkness. May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirits.

District Leader Lindsey

Thursday, February 9, 2012


We discovered the joyous hour of six in the morning to do our laundry on p-days. During this hour, minimal amounts of missionaries do their laundry and the computers are open for email in a relatively quiet atmosphere.  I'm pretty sure that this is going to be a new habit for the two of us.

We began to teach an investigator and she is from Venezuela and goes by the name of Ivelisse. She has lots of questions, but that is definitely a good thing, because it means that she is paying attention and taking a little interest.

I meet with the Consulate for Argentina today to get my Visa, and it means that I don't get to go to the temple this week. This makes me very sad, because the temple is a place where we can feel the Spirit of God and where literally God is present at times. Some of my favorite moments in life include the temple, and I love it so.

President Tyler responded to this week's report that I sent him with a page typed and four pages of articles because he felt prompted to do so, whereas normally he just writes a  word or two of encouragement. He really was inspired to do so, for he answered my question precisely and so immediately that it was a literal answer to my prayers and built my faith.

The computer this week has decided that it is okay to freeze up multiple times during my email session, and this doesn't exactly make me happy, but I am grateful to have time to send information home. I also just noticed that my email has three lines per each section and decided to continue that pattern though I had little to say...

I have been keeping many journals over t"he course of my mission thus far. The word in Spanish for "remember" is also the same as "to record", and there is a hidden truth in that coincidence. One page a night takes about fifteen minutes if undistracted. Twenty five tops. Try it, and by the end of forty years you'll have written three thousand or so pages.

A really pretty sister missionary sat next to me during one of the firesides, and I had forgotten how distracting that can be to deal with. Nothing really happened, other than the fact that I wasn't as focused inwardly, though I most likely appeared so outwardly. I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm sure I'll figure out what to do eventually should this happen in the future.

God loves each of his children, and invites all to repent and come unto Him to be saved from their sins and to be exalted in His Kingdom forever. This is true. If any of you ever doubt that there is a God or that He loves His children, remember that this young man gave up two years of his life to testify that He lives, and that he knows it as sure as he knows that he lives.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February already!

The Lord is God and loves his children. He provided a plan whereby we may be saved from our sins and become like Him to live in eternal splendor and glory as perfected beings. Jesus Christ was the major functioning role in that plan, and has carried out what he needed to do. Now it is our turn to carry out what we need to do. Shall we not go on in so great a cause?

Elders Nelson and Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve came to the MTC to speak at the MTC's 50th anniversary and I sang in the choir. Nothing beats singing for some apostles and then being spiritually fed by their words. It was a grand experience for all of us to add with theirs our testimonies of our Savior in that monumental meeting.

Our district lost four people this week due to people moving on to either the field, or to the other MTC's around the world. Now we are down to nine, which is still a pretty large district, though we don't feel that way.

My teachers are great and have high expectations for us. My teaching group consists of Elder St. Martin and I as well as Hermana Coleman, making us two of the luckiest Elders in the force because we get to teach with an Hermana.

Someone pranked our room by taping up our bed to look like a prison cell, using my duct tape that was supposed to last about two years in about five minutes. It was funny, and we got some good pictures out of it.

You know, getting mail isn't really all that important to me while I'm here. It's nice, but it is rather distracting when I really think about it. The food is always welcome, though.

I love everyone, and wish everyone a happy week, even if you read this many years in the future or have read this before. You still have my best wishes.

Do your laundry, eat some delicious food, and do something spontaneously nice and heartwarming as much as possible so it becomes less spontaneous and more heartfelt.

May the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all!

Elder Lindsey