Monday, April 9, 2012


It´s P-Day again, and this week I find myself in Centro due to the President´s kindness of allowing us to visit on Elder Van Loo´s birthday. The computer place here is awesome. The walls are covered in gargantuan murals that depict events and characters from the Star Wars series, and made my day. When I look up, Darth Maul grimaces back down on me and my smile broadens significantly.

Our branch is having some scuffles right now, which I will not describe, but the branch President said it well in saying that he has felt the fires of the inferno when he came out of an interview in which the person slammed the door really loud upon storming out in disagreement. Really, the situation is petty, and the Lord can bring peace to the heart of anyone if they are willing to listen. The President asked us what we would do in the situation, and we responded that we really can´t give specific advice, though we can definitely exhort prayer and love, as well as patience, which is our message to everyone everywhere. Paul says that if you know that you have ought against your brother you should go to him and make things right before resting, and before coming to the altar. It´s hard sometimes, but just remember that the Savior underwent things that are so difficult that they cannot be borne.

I have discovered the goodness of Aguila Alfajores, which are twice as much as a regular one, but merit in whole the money spent, everytime. Imagine really moist cake with dulce de leche (caramel on steroids), covered in non-waxy chocolate and sprinkled evenly with coconut flakes and about half the size of your fist. Maybe a little smaller. Or, imagine being able to get five loaves of bread for the equivalent of one American dollar, and it´s fresh every time. And then there is delicious ice cream that cannot even begin to be compared with that of America, due to the quality it has of being so much better. I genuinely feel for those of you who have never lived in Córdoba nor experienced the world of missionary life, and the food is the least of it.

We have many people investigating, and many more that will soon begin, even though they don´t quite know that yet. Last night we started to talk to a woman outside of her house, and it was after dark, which makes sense that she would be alarmed, so she started talking really loud to alert her son about the two men which would supposedly accost her. Enter Sebastian, a simple, loving, protecting son of about thirty years who has seen the way that the Savior changes lives and blesses the people. We then began to chat with him about what we do, and what he does, having an easy-going discussion at the end of our day. His mother seemed rather understandably frightened by us, and at first he was too, but upon further conversation he warmed up to us rather well and told us that we carry a great presence with us and thanked us for preaching the word of God to the people. We are also going back later this week. What a way to end the day.

Remember that that which comes from above is sacred, and must be treated so. Some things are not to be trifled with, including people´s self-esteem, the Lord´s word, and personal revelation. Never ever attack such things, and furthermore, never ever, nunca jamás, abuse the authority or stewardship which the Lord has given you, whether it be your body, your family, your calling, or your career, and especially when it affects the agency of others, for even God himself is required to honor our agency and created a glorious plan to uphold it while allowing us to be tested and become as Him. He is perfect, we are not yet perfect, but through Christ we will shortly become thus when He comes again to reign in the power and glory of the Almighty God.
With that very authority and responsibility which He has given me as a missionary and representative of His name and all He stands for, and in His name, I close this message with love and joy for all mankind, hoping that each one will be redeemed in Christ.

With all the humility that I know how to muster,

Elder Lindsey

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